Theme for Wordpress: The stylesheet

A single file defines the appearance of articles, the homepage and other pages on the site.
It does not concern the administration panel which has its own style.

The stylesheet has the same parts that division in files of the theme.



The header section contains a logo and a navigation bar.
These elements are further divided into components.


#leftside ul li ul
#leftside ul li ul li
#leftside ul li ul p

In the "leftside" panel, the elements are encapsulated in a li tag whose class name is "widget". In turn it has a ul tag that contains different tags depending on the element.

For the contents of the panel, items are found, in addition to the "widget" class by the hierarchy of tags.


This refers to an article or a static page, or a list of exerpts.


The "container" ID refers to any content, article or list titles.

The "postinfo" class sets the style information for an article (author, date, etc ...)

The "homeinfo" class defines the same information, but for the home page or category where they are presented differently.



In our case, it is reduced to a single line. It defines the overall appearance and the font for the text.


To consult if you want, the page for the development of the layout and final style.