
A set of scripts for making a backup of the content of a directory, including all sub-directories.
They are written in Scriptol and compiled in PHP or JavaScript and thus are widely portable.
This script may be used to update a website in a differed mode. For a direct update, use the PHP FTP Synchronizer instead.

Synchronizing two local directories

The script compares two directories with their sub-directories. If the file doesn't exist in the target directory, it is copied. And aslo if the sizes differ, else the contents of the files are compared and if they differ, the copy is performed.
Empty folders are created in the target directory.


solp synchro [-v | -d] source target

If Scriptol is not available on your operating system, use directly the PHP script:

php -q synchro.php source target

Options and parameters:

Using Node.js

You may also compile the script to JavaScript:

solj synchro source target  

And run it directly with Node.js:

node synchro.js source target 

Synchronizing offline

This script is intended to those who build a website offline and send the files by FTP on the server.
To do that, you must have an image and a backup of the site, plus another folder that holds only the files to upload. The image and the backup are compared, the backup is updated and the differences are stored into the extra folder, then you have to upload the files in this folder.
The syntax is that of the synchro script, plus an extra parameter for the additional folder.


solp dsync [-v | -d | -u] source target ftpfolder 


php dsync.php source target ftpfolder 

Extra parameter and option:

Take note that you can not execute the command twice, once the backup directory is updated, there is no mean to know which files have to be uploaded but the content of the ftp folder that is cleared at the beginning of the process.


All scriptol sources and PHP or JS executables are included.