Find/Replace text in file
Script to search and replace a string in a file, or all files in the directory chosen according to a mask. The script is recursive and can perform search or replacement in all subdirectories.
It is a command line program with a binary and PHP executables, and a source code in Scriptol or C++.
Using the program
You can run the binary program or the script file with this commands:
search options
php search.php options
Searching a string
To search a string in the contents of a file, go to the directory where the file is stored.
To search in a single file, type:
search text file
In all files in the directory, use a mask, for example *. html
search text *.html
And to include subdirectories:
search -r text *.html
The other options are:
-i ignore uppercases
-c search for an identifier inside source code
-v display each scanned file
-q quiet, display nothing.
Replacing a string
The rules and options are the same, however there is an extra parameter that is the string that replaces the string found. The sole presence of this parameter commands a substitution:
search -r oldstring newstring *.html
Changes in versions
Version 1.4
The -v option replaces the -f option.
The processing of command line options has been improved. - Version 1.3
The -r recursive option has been added.
When this options is enabled, filenames are shown with the path.