Image gallery generator

This script generates a web page with an image gallery built with all images in a directory.

To see the options and the version, type:

    php galgen.php

To create a gallery, open a command line window, type:

    php galgen.php [parameters] name-of-the-page

This generates a web page with images according to your options.

The presentation depends on both options from the command and the stylesheet gallery.css.
The content of the latter is defined by yourself.

The page can be put online directly, or into a iframe, or you can copy and paste the contents into another page. In the latter case we must do the same with the style sheet.


-t followed by the title
Title for the page, optional. Put in quotes if there are several words.
-c followed by a number
The number of images juxtaposed on the same row.
-d followed by the name of the directory where are the images
If the option is omitted, the images are taken in the current directory
-w followed by a URL
The path on the web where will be stored the images. If the option is omitted, the images are read in the directory of the page.
The name of the page
With the extension of your choice.    

Download the script

Another version with a graphical interface exists and is included in Biologide.