Common Reader problem
2010-01-26 10:58:41
I'm not a techy but I am wanting to put the wordpress rss feed
[http etc www dot integracommunications dot co dot uk/Newsroom/category/client-news/feed]
into my main website using [commonlib dot php] but it registers empty.
Interestingly when I run the [common-choice dot php] demo with this feed on my isp server it also shows empty but when I run it on the Scriptol server demo it does work.
I guess there is a setting or command on the scriptol server perhaps in htaccess(?) which isn't in mine.
The script on my main website works with a xml extension file feed (eg [http etc www dot xul dot fr/rss dot xml]) but I can't see how to get this format from wordpress for my feed.
Any suggestions?
2010-01-26 12:02:40
some checking may be necessary...
Try this code:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>The version displayed must be 5.0 at least and preferably 5.2. And the extensions must be .php.
2010-01-26 13:38:42
So far so good
PHP Version 5.2.11
all the files involved have php extensions except of course the feed
This is the code for the feed in my index.php file
<?php require_once("commonlib.php"); $url = "http etc www dot integracommunications dot co dot uk/Newsroom/category/client-news/feed"; echo Common_Display($url, 10, false, false, true); ?>This is the error message
http etc www dot integracommunications dot co dot uk/Newsroom/category/client-news/feed empty...If you put the feed address in http etc www dot scriptol dot com/rss/common-choice dot php it works If you put it in http etc www dot integracommunications dot co dot uk/common-choice dot php it doesn't If you want to see the whole of the php info I have set this up at http etc www dot integracommunications dot co dot uk/phpinfo dot php It would be nice to be able to put urls in here now! Look forward to your thoughts
2010-01-27 10:25:20
I've got to the bottom of the problem - but not the solution!
My service provider has a firewall which stops one part of a site receiving feeds from another to stop loopback issues.
This is why the module isn't working.
I'll have to think how to set things up differently