Tools for any programming language. Tools dedicated to a programming language are given in the cards of languages below...
We do use most of these tools in production: they are all free, easy to use, and improve productivity a lot.
IDE & RAD (Integrated & Rapid Application Development)
Made for Linux but ported to Windows and Mac thanks to Qt, it supports multiple languages: C++, Objective C, PHP, Python ... Version 5 features a CLang plugin.
Warnings and syntax errors appear in the editor, with a suggestion to correct them.
Includes the Clang, C, C++ and Objective-C compiler, producing a portable bitcode, for its fast virtual machine. An optimizer at each stage. Can produce binary too. It may be complemented by other tools, such as Emscriptem that converts its bitcode to JavaScript.
A dreamed debugging tool from Mozilla: it saves the execution of a program and allows to replay the film, to find the moment when an error occurred. Currently work on Linux 32-bit only.
Complete installer, can add your program on
the desktop, provides an uninstaller for your program, into the archive
that is bigger than those of above. Open source.
Drawing program, open source replacement for Photoshop.
Despite that it is bugged under Windows has interesting features. The filters provide tools for sophisticated image processing. (Win/Lin)
Modern big websites are built with a CMS (Content
Management System) as Joomla, Drupal, Xoops for portails, phpBB or punBB
for forums, Wordpress for blogs.
From Microsoft, a simple code editor for all programming languages with highlighted syntax. Supports dual panels. Git. Special features for JavaScript and Node.js. (Win/Lin/Max).
Framework for asynchronous IO and data exchange. It is the base of Node.js, but can also be used with other languages like C, Julia. Also manages the file system with a common interface for all OS. (Win/Lin).