Popularity of programming languages in 2014

By combining two authoritative but different rankings, a more objective ranking is obtained and maybe near to the reality.

The principle applied is to add the position of languages ​​in each classification and reclassy them according to this sum. Languages ​​that are not in both lists, such as HTML contained in IEEE but not in TIOBE, are ignored. The source code is provided below.

Please note that the ranking of languages by popularity is not the ranking of the most requested languages in job offers. I can already give you the list of what we are looking for corporate projects in 2023 in order:

  1. JavaScript and TypeScript.
  2. Python.
  3. Java.
  4. C#.
  5. PHP
  6. C/C++.
  7. Ruby.
  8. Go.
  9. SQL.
  10. Scala.

Rust represents less than 1% of offers. Swift, Pascal and Objective-C even less.

The two popularity rankings differ because they use different criteria:


It starts from the list of languages ​​with projects on GitHub, and for these language, takes into account the number of results on the Google search engine and Google Trends. Those who have too few results are eliminated.
For the classification, the number of references are taken into account on Twitter, Hacker News and Reddit, the number of new projects on GitHub, the number of questions about the language on StackOverflow, and are also taken into account the number of job openings on different site asking proficiency in these languages.


Here the ranking is ​​based on the number of results on different search engines.

In both cases, this is not an indicator of the number of programs written in each language, or the number of lines in these languages.

  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. C#
  5. Python
  6. PHP
  7. Objective-C
  8. Visual Basic
  9. Ruby
  10. Perl
  11. MATLAB
  12. Assembly
  13. R
  14. ASP.NET
  15. Lisp
  16. Delphi
  17. Go
  18. ActionScript
  19. SAS
  20. Fortran
  21. Scala
  22. Lua
  23. Haskell
  24. COBOL
  25. Ada
  26. D
  27. ABAP
  28. Logo
  29. Prolog
  30. Erlang
  31. Scheme
  32. Ladder Logic
  33. Tcl
  34. -
  35. -
  36. -
  37. -
  38. -
  39. -
  40. -
  41. -
  42. -
  43. -
  44. -
  45. -
  46. -
  47. -
  48. -
  49. -
  50. -
  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Python
  5. C#
  6. PHP
  7. Javascript
  8. Ruby
  9. R
  10. MATLAB
  11. SQL
  12. Perl
  13. Assembly
  14. HTML
  15. Visual Basic
  16. Objective-C
  17. Scala
  18. Arduino
  19. Shell
  20. Go
  21. Processing
  22. D
  23. Lua
  24. Fortran
  25. Haskell
  26. Lisp
  27. VHDL
  28. Delphi
  29. Prolog
  30. Clojure
  31. ASP.NET
  32. SAS
  33. Verilog
  34. Erlang
  35. Ada
  36. COBOL
  37. Scheme
  38. CoffeeScript
  39. ActionScript
  40. ABAP
  41. Tcl
  42. Apex Code
  43. OCaml
  44. Ladder Logic
  45. J
  46. Eiffel
  47. Forth
  48. Scilab
  49. Logo
  50. -
  1. C
  2. Java
  3. Objective-C
  4. C++
  5. Visual Basic
  6. C#
  7. PHP
  8. Python
  9. JavaScript
  10. Transact-SQL
  11. Perl
  12. ASP.NET
  13. F#
  14. Ruby
  15. ActionScript
  16. Swift
  17. Delphi
  18. Lisp
  19. MATLAB
  20. Assembly
  21. OpenEdge ABL
  22. SAS
  23. Pascal
  24. PostScript
  25. Logo
  26. ML
  27. COBOL
  28. R
  29. Ada
  30. Go
  31. C shell
  32. Fortran
  33. ABAP
  34. cT
  35. PL/I
  36. Lua
  37. Ladder Logic
  38. Haskell
  39. Scratch
  40. Scala
  41. Scheme
  42. Z shell
  43. Tcl
  44. Erlang
  45. Common Lisp
  46. Prolog
  47. RPG
  48. Modula-2
  49. PL/SQL
  50. D

Redmonk (2022)

The twenty most popular languages in 2022 according to Redmonk, which uses a different method than Tiobe too:

  1. JavaScript.
  2. Python
  3. Java
  4. PHP
  5. C#
  6. CSs
  7. C++
  8. TypeScript
  9. Ruby
  10. C
  11. Swift
  12. R
  13. Objective-C
  14. Scala
  15. Shell
  16. Go
  17. Powershell
  18. Kotlin
  19. Rust
  20. Dart

Source code of the script

The JavaScript code performs the following operations:

  1. It searches the IEEE list of languages ​​that are also included in the TIOBE list and adds them in the ultimate list.
  2. For each language in the ultimate list, a value is given that is the average position from the other two lists.
  3. The ranking in the ultimate list is sorted by increasing value.
  4. The lists are each displayed in a table with the disparray() function.
$tiobe = array(
  "C", "Java", "Objective-C", "C++", "Visual Basic",
  "Swift","Delphi/Object Pascal","Lisp","MATLAB","Assembly",
  "OpenEdge ABL","SAS","Pascal","PostScript","Logo",
  "C shell","Fortran","ABAP","cT","PL/I",
  "Lua","Ladder Logic","Haskell","Scratch","Scala",
  "Scheme","Z shell","Tcl","Erlang","Common Lisp",
$ieee = array(
  "SQL","Perl","Assembly","HTML","Visual Basic", 
  "Tcl","Apex Code","OCaml","Ladder Logic","J",
$ultimate = array();

function disparray($arr) {
  for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
    echo "<li>".$arr[$i]."</li>\n";

function main()
  global $ultimate;
  global $tiobe;
  global $ieee;
  $value = 1;
  foreach($ieee as $t => $v) {
    $lang = $ieee[$t];
    $ipos = array_search($lang, $tiobe); 
    if($ipos !== false)
     $ultimate[$lang] = $value + $ipos + 1;     


The results of these rankings are indeed surprising. There are well-placed languages in these lists that most programmers have never heard​​! But since they appear in both lists (the ultimate list proves it), they are really widely used...
But this is what makes the interest of this ranking: find out what languages ​​are actually used in production, which are the most common, next to those frequently talked about in forums and that actually are not so often put in practice that one would think.

Programming and data languages Asm.js - Basic - C - C++ - C# - Dart - Go - Java - JavaScript - Julia - Pascal - PHP - Prolog - Python - Ruby - Rust - Scala - Scriptol - Swift - TypeScript - HTML - Wasm - XML - XAML - SQL