Statistics on mobile phones

Which systems are most commonly used, why do we use a mobile phone...

Worldwide market shares of smartphones in 2019: The Fall of the House of Apple

Evolution du marché des smartphones en avril 2019

The big loser here is Apple, with a decrease of 30% of iPhones sold in the first quarter of 2019 compared to 2018. And the big winner is Huwaei. Its P30 pro released in 2019 with a 140mm zoom (10x from the normal focal length), will surely help the company to consolidate its position.

Worldwide market shares for mobile OS in 2017

Mobile Os marjet shares

Source IDC.

Worldwide market shares for mobile OS in 2016

Worlwide mobile OS 08 2016

There numbers are for worldwide smartphone sales to end users by OS.

Market shares for mobile phones in 2015

These figures can help developers to choose which systems to bring an application.

Worldwide market shares of smarphones in May 2015 (source IDC):

Smartphones market shares 05 2015

Market shares by country in June 2013

  France USA UK Germany Italy Spain China
Android 62.8 51.5 56.2 77.8 70.7 91.0 67.8
iOS 18.2 42.5 30.5 13.9 16.4 5.6 24.7


4.0 8.6 5.9 7.8 1.4 4.9

Do not talk iPhone or Windows Phone to Spanish!

Stats by Kantar World Panel.


Worldwide market shares of smartphones by operating systems, second quarter 2012 (source IDC):

smartphones worlwide market shares 2012 q2

Statistics of the choice of operating systems of mobile phones worldwide, in february 2012.

Mobile OS worldwide market share in february 2012

Market shares for smarphones by vendor in April 2012:

Market shares for smartphones, april 2012

What is the first use of a smartphone?

A call would be tempted to answer. But this is not the case, it is far from the first use statistics according to a study by Pew Research Center.

The list of uses is in order ...

  1. Taking a picture. This explains why Samsung makes cameras connected to the Internet.
  2. Exchanging SMS.
  3. Surfing the Web.
  4. Exchanging emails.
  5. Making a video.
  6. Downloading an application.
  7. Consulting a bank account
  8. and finally making a call!

These figures may give ideas for application developers to reach the largest audience ... The convergence of smartphone and camera should create new functions and thus new tools.