ECMAScript 6 implementation tests
Test directly in each browser the implementation of the new features of the language.
The choice of features is based on the implementation in at least one browser (Firefox actually). Then we can see through these tests when other browsers are implementing and so when they can be used in production.
This page concerns the JavaScript language but a similar page is dedicated to test the implementation of HTML 5 across browsers.
Added to JavaScript | Implemented? | |
Syntax | Const (ES6) |
Scoping. Reserved word let (1.7) |
Destructuring assignment: [a , b ] = [x , y] (1.7) |
Async/await |
ArrayBuffer and typed arrays, Int32Array, etc... (ES6) |
Array | Method reduce of Array (1.8) |
Method filter of Array (1.6) |
Method map of Array (1.6) |
Methods every and some of Array (1.6) |
Methods indexOf and lastIndexOf of Array (1.6) |
Object | Object.keys() (1.8.5) |
Object.entries() (ES2017) |
String | String.trim() (1.8.1) |
New objects | Object Set and method has, attribute size (ES6) |
Object Map and methods set, get, attribute size (ES6) |
Object JSON (1.5) |
Promise (TC39) |
Proxy (ES6) |
Iterator (1.7) |
Generator. Reserved word yield (1.7) |
API | Fetch |
ES6 is a shortcut to ECMAScript version 6.
More details about new methods of Array. Another page on the site is dedicated to Harmony.
If you want to know what Microsoft intends to implement or not in Edge (and what is in progress), see the Platform Status.
The indications for other browsers are not always updated.