JavaScript for desktop and web apps
JavaScript is now a server side language too and allows to make applications running locally or online with Web's standards.
PWA - Progressive Web App
With Service Worker running JavaScript locally, offline, and modern APIs such as IndexedDB, a Web application becomes almost native, and without installation.
IndexedDB, demos
How to use the standard client-side database, demonstrations of all functions.
Node.js, JavaScript at command line
How to use JavaScript on your local machine and have a universal library of functions.
Electron: IPC vs. WebSocket
For local Node.js applications, which of these two data exchange modes to choose?
Electron: Prompt dialog box
A modal substitution dialog created entirely with the functions of Electron. (In ipcMain).
HTML dialog tag and modal window for Electron
To replace prompt() or other dialog, a simple HTML tag. (In ipcRenderer).
Compatibility test of new features
Since ECMAScript 1.6 and even more Harmony, JavaScript has new capabilities. But what browsers support them? The test page can check it directly.
- JavaScript. Overview of the language, documents and tools.
- HTML 5 frameworks. JavaScript frameworks using Canvas.
- jQuery and its plugins to design a professional web application. Selection of plugins and widgets to make an application more quickly.