Canvas pie chart generator


Right-click the image to save it on Firefox.
jQuery.js doit être installé.

Select a row and pick a color

Label Value



  1. This is the height of the canvas that determines the size of the chart. The width is used to align the text.
  2. For each statistical value, type a label and value, with or without the % symbol, then click a color or on another line.
  3. In Firefox, right click on the canvas to save the image. For other browsers, click the button above to create the image and right click on the image created to save it.

For more infos, see the article on the algorithme to create pie charts in Canvas.

See also Canvas Logo Maker, another online tool to create des logos in Canvas.

License: Mozilla 1.1. Crédit:, jQuery, Farbtastic Color Picker 1.2 by Steven Wittens, Carpe Slider by Tom Hermansson Snickars.