Getting started in HTML 5 Canvas

Canvas is a HTML tag for an interactive drawing surface. Its use is very simple.

Actually, only three things are required to use it:

  1. An HTML page with the HTML 5 doctype.
  2. A <canvas> tag.
  3. Some JavaScript code.

1) The HTML 5 doctype

It is essential to specify a DOCTYPE on the first line of the page, which for HTML 5 has the following form:

<!DOCTYPE html>

2) A canvas tag

The tag must have an "id" attribute so that it can be referenced in JavaScript code:

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="300"></canvas>  

This tag has no HTML content, but possibly some message that will appear only in older browsers that do not support HTML 5. Example:

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="300">
    Canvas is not implemented in this browser.

3) A JavaScript script

The content of <canvas> is provided dynamically by JavaScript. For example, one can draw a blue rectangle.

canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas"); 
if (canvas.getContext)
    context = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
function rectangle()

The script will be started by the onload event associated with <body> or window element.
In this example we create the function setCanvas() and assigns it to onload:

function initCanvas()
  canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas"); 
  if (canvas.getContext)
    context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    return true; 
 return false;

function setCanvas()
   if(! initCanvas()) return;


The fillStyle attribute assigns a color to the current context, which will be used by all drawn objects thereafter. We can assign a color name, a rgb or rgba code.
The fillRect method shows a rectangle filled with the current color, and for parameters: x, y, width, height.

Demonstration (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera):

List of graphics functions of the Canvas API

Look at this demo

See also