Merging Two Images with The GIMP

The combination of images with a fade effect is obtained very easily by using a layer mask.

We want to merge the photo of Asin Thottumkal with that of Panch Mahal which is a school in India.

1) The two images to merge

2) Add a layer mask

Click on the layer of the image on the right.

With the right mouse button, click the "Add layer mask" and the dialog box below appears.

Choose white to initialize the mask. White corresponds to opaque.

Now you get this in the layers box:

3) Create a partial transparency

Choose from the tool box:
- A black foreground color .
- A white background color.

Take the Gradient tool.

Make a gradient from right to left, starting from the edge of the image and stopping in the middle of it, to maintain a visible part.

4) Merge the layers

In the layers window click on "Merge Layers".

Now only one layer is visible in the window.


5) Superpimpose the two images

Click on the image of the model, and "Select All" then "Copy."

Go to the landscape image, in selection mode, and click "Paste."

Move the image to fit as you want.
