The Cryonie Theme for Wordpress

This theme has been designed to be easy to modify and to be consistent with the rules of optimizing sites for search engines.

To do this, the structure of pages has been revised with a hierarchy of titles corrected: H1 for page title, H2 for sub-title.
Often found in themes is the site name in H1 tags on all pages and subtitles anywhere, including in side panels or footer!


In addition, a 8-page tutorial can help you adapt the theme to your needs.


The theme has been tested and works under:

It works on older browsers too.

It has been in production since Wordpress 2.8 and should work on older versions.

Installing the theme

Extract the contents of the archive. Before putting it online, add your logo with a transparent background, so a GIF or PNG format.

The maximum size is 320 x 48 pixels, which can be modified in the style sheet (descriptor is: logo).

It is recommanded to remove the display of title and description in text form in header.php. In this block:

<div id="logo"  onclick="location.href='<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>/';">
<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <br>
<span class="sitedesc"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></span>


<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <br>
<span class="sitedesc"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></span>

Then copy the cryonie directory into:


Then go to the administration panel to activate this theme.

The theme is deliberately provided with additional elements to allow you to choose them by deleting some.

How to tweak the theme

Download and live demo


Help needed with theme cryonie at wordpress

2009-12-07 20:01:23


Help needed with theme cryonie at wordpress The link bar in the header needs to display more than 4 links. How can I change the script to do that and where? Which script and code? Thanks.
2009-12-08 13:06:41


Hello, In the header.php file, you have these lines:
<span id="navcat"><?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&sort_column=name&hierarchical=0&number=7') ?>   </span>
<span id="navpage"><?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&number=4&depth=1'); ?></span>
The first line is for categories, the second for pages. You can change the max limits here... Categories: replace number=7 by number=n where n if the number of cats to display. You can do the same for pages. This has been tested with the data set from Wordpress.
2012-03-20 03:20:50


Admire Administrator so much.

Congratulations for the first SEO-friendly Wordpress theme.

2011-01-31 11:12:10


I assume there are others, but yours is the first SEO-friendly theme that I found at Hundreds of themes say SEO friendly. How they get the idea to say this, I don't know. Evidently they have no idea of SEO, but you do. "Fluid width" also. I just don't understand why so many websites are determined to hurt the eyes and make sidescrolling if we enlarge? Good Wordpress advice on your webite also. I am bookmarking and will return. By the way. When your robot-filter says "five minus two," I say "three." Then it says I am a robot. I suggest you define if you want the number or the word? Good luck for all your good work.